Our member Violet dances into her 93rd year at her weekly line dancing class

Our lovely member Violet Walpole turned 93 on the 1st September so our team surprised her during her weekly line dancing class with cupcakes and flowers!

As a super-fit granny living in Middleton, Violet catches two buses to the leisure centre, which takes about an hour, and has been attending our line dancing classes for around six years!

Violet says: “I love line dancing – the classes at OCL are a real hoot! Anyone can do it and everyone is welcome. I’ve always loved to dance.  Dancing makes me so happy.  I first started dancing back when I was a teenager and used to enjoy ballroom dancing. I don’t plan to stop dancing any time soon.”

Violet, who was a ‘cotton mill girl’ in her youth, was delighted with her birthday treats and was touched by everyone’s birthday best wishes.  She says: “I can’t believe that everyone remembered! I feel very special. Age is just a number.  I don’t let it slow me down.  I’m going to London to see my grandson to celebrate my birthday too.  Being active and fit keeps me young. I’ve made lots of friends at OCL; you can’t help but enjoy the line dance class.  The music, the dance routines, the fantastic instructor and the laughter. Everyone has a smile on their face!”



Violet returned to her weekly line dance classes as soon we reopened our doors in July.  She says: “The leisure centre is very well organised and I feel really looked after and safe. During lockdown I stayed with my daughter-in-law, Tina.  I was widowed 19 years ago and lost my son six years ago, and I’m very close with Tina. Family is very important to me. It was good to stay with Tina during lockdown, but as soon as restrictions lifted, I wanted to return home and get back to my line dancing.  Having a schedule and getting out of the house is really important as we get older.”

Stuart Lockwood, our Chief Executive says: “Happy Birthday to the ever-youthful Violet!  She is an inspiration to us all. We were delighted to treat Violet for her birthday, she’s a wonderful dancer and proof that you are only as old as you feel. We should all try and be a bit more like Violet!” 

Stuart Lockwood continues: “Health and wellness has never been more important. OCL prides itself on being inclusive and supportive of all our customers and their individual fitness requirements. We really do have classes and activities for everyone, whatever their age, background or ability.”

Violet concludes: “My strong faith is the secret of my long life. I also firmly believe it’s essential to keep active, to put your best ‘dancing’ foot forward and to stay positive.”

dance class

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