Each Couch to 5K run includes a five-minute walk at the beginning and end of the session. Don’t just go out the front door and start running, make sure you go through the preparatory brisk walking stage. As for stretching before a run, opinion is divided on whether this is necessary or even helpful. For a cool down, the worst thing you can do is stop running and immediately sit down, so keep walking until you’re fully recovered. You may want to put on an extra layer of clothing while cooling down, as this will stop you getting cold. For tips on cooling down exercises ask you instructor.
It’s important to have energy for your run, but don’t overdo it. Avoid having a large meal within two hours of your run. You need blood to be in your muscles, not your digestive system. However, a light snack, such as a banana, before running is fine. As for water, provided you are drinking enough throughout the day, this should not be problem. Some people like to have a water bottle with them while running. If you’re thirsty, drink – just not too much.
Good running technique will help make your runs feel less tiring, reduce your risk of injury and, ultimately, be more enjoyable. Avoid striking the ground with your heel or your forefoot first. Landing on the middle of your foot is the safest way to land for most recreational runners. Your foot should land below your hips – not right in front of you.
If you haven’t exercised for a while, chances are you may not have any suitable clothing. Don’t let this be an excuse – once you have the outfit sorted, you’re far more likely to feel motivated to get out there and use it. You need a pair of running shoes. Shop around and find sales staff with some technical knowledge. A decent pair of running shoes can cost around £30 to £40, and running socks can also reduce your risk of blisters. In terms of clothing, you don’t really need technical gear. You just need something loose and comfortable in a breathable material, like cotton. If you keep running regularly after completing Couch to 5K, some specialist clothing would be a good investment. Women should also consider using a sports bra, which is sturdier than a regular bra and provides additional support. Normal bras reduce breast movement by around 30%, but a good sports bra achieves closer to 55%.
Our track sessions at The Radclyffe Athletics Centre are interval based combining short/moderate intensity walking and running, suitable for those who are just about to start running and those who are already running short distance.
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Alternatively you can telephone our Contact Team on 0161 207 7000. We look forward to hearing from you.