It is a standard game of football where players walk instead of run. It’s designed to help people get fit or maintain an active lifestyle no matter their age or fitness level, as well as support people getting back into football if they have given it up due to age or injury.
Walking Football is ran at Saddleworth Pool & Leisure Centre and Oldham Leisure Centre.
Tuesdays 11:00am – 12:00pm – Saddleworth Pool & Leisure Centre
Friday 8pm – 10pm – Saddleworth Pool & Leisure Centre
Fridays 11:00am – 12:00pm – Oldham Leisure Centre
£5 per session
To join Walking Football, please contact The Club Secretary at
Please contact us using the form below and send us a message.
Alternatively you can telephone our Contact Team on 0161 207 7000. We look forward to hearing from you.